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From: Ralf Dose, Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin 
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Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 21:49:34 +0200

Some of you may know that we recently were gladly able to have Andreas 
Pretzel's book on the Fate of Persecuted Homosexuals after WW II presented 
by the Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit. The
event took place at the new premises of the Berlin State Archives and 
attracted an unexpectedly large crowd (more than 200 people) despite the 
fact that the State Archives' premises are far from the

The German news coverage wasn't really exiting; but Benjamin Weinthal, a 
young American journalist working for the Aufbau managed to have a long 
article on the book included into the latest
issue of New York's GayCityNews (Vol. 2, Issue 30, July 25-31, 2003) The 
text ist available on their website: --just scroll down 
and click on the picture with the book title. The
help of the Pink Triangle Coalition, the Pink Cross and the International 
Nazi Persecutee Relief Fund is duely acknowledged in the last paragraph.

A draft translation of the whole book into English is nearly completed, and 
Mr. Pretzel will have to look for an American publisher soon. We are 
considering Haworth; additional suggestions are welcome.

Those of you who read German can find more on the Wowereit event on the 
website of the Magnus Hirschfeld Society. Just type "wowereit" into the 
search field, and wait a few seconds.

Kind regards from Berlin,

Ralf Dose M.A.
Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V.
Chodowieckistr. 41

D-10405 Berlin

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Tel./Fax: 030/441 39 73

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