

I'd like to let people on this list know of a short course which I
hope may be of interest.  Obviously many people on this list are increasinly
involved in online courses as a means of supporting teaching and learning.

The course I'm talking about is the certificate in Online Education &
Training, from the Institute of Education, University of London, run
globally with regional groups so there is international and local
discussion.  Participants normally work in many different disciplines and so
find the course a powerful forum for discussions with other educators and
administrators, learning a great deal from both what they share and from
their differences.

As with much good modern teaching, we focus very much on group collaborative
learning, both in our method of running the course and in the topics we
discuss.  There is also a special option on online interaction, among a wide
range of other options dealing with participants' special interests.

Our "students" normally include teachers, academics and related staff that
may be part of e-learning design teams, e.g. technical specialists or
librarians.  We use various multimedia materials and platforms to
consider different methods of teaching and syllabus design issues, closely
tied to educational needs. It gives a real insight into the needs of
e-learning provision from the student point of view, as well the

It is a long established course that has now been restructured as two
the 10 week international online option from 30 January 2004,
the 4 week online course plus 5 separate days in London from 26 April 2004.

Content is the same, and both carry 20 credits that can be taken into
either an Advanced Diploma in Professional Studies or a Master's.All the
tutors have many years of experience as online tutors and trainers.

For full details, visit:

Enquiries to London office:
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using for reference the subject header: OET

Dr Felicity O'Dell
Lifelong Education and International Development
Institute of Education
University of London
20 Bedford Way
London  WC1H OAL