

* Apologies for cross-postings

The Distributed Delivery of Library and Information Services

An international conference organised by CERLIM -
The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management.

A provisional programme, further details and booking form are now
available on the conference website at:

The fifth Libraries Without Walls conference, to be held in Lesvos,
Greece from September 19th - 23rd 2003, continues the tradition
of the LWW Conferences by bringing together international
perspectives on the delivery of library and information services to
users who are not in the physical library. When the first LWW
Conference was held in 1995, the focus was primarily on distance
learning and geographical dispersion. Since then, however, rapid
advances in the development of ICT (Information and
Communications Technologies) based infrastructures and services
have led to a situation where many library users now routinely
access services remotely - even when 'remotely' means 'within
sight of the library building'. As a previous conference attendee
observed, "we are all distance learners now".
Lawraine Wood
Department of Information and Communications
Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building
Rosamond Street West
M15 6LL
Email. [log in to unmask]
Tel. 0161 247 6144