There is a song in US called the Yellow Rose of Texas

Here is the parody
pictures and cartoons at the site

The Yellow Rogue of Texas
As a fifth generation Texan, I'm ashamed of G.W. Bush, fake Texan and fake
And unlike some, I will never apologize for my views.
If you can't stand dissent, you're in the wrong country and on the wrong page!

To refresh your memory of this timeless song,
Click here to hear the  tune

                                     There's a yellow rogue from Texas,
Who's daddy was the chief,
                                     He was one very dim son, So he became
a thief.
                                     Then when he stole the 'lection, It'd
like to broke my heart,
                                     To see this lovely country, Stole by
rich old nasty farts.

                                     Daddy bought him into Yale, To study
                                     But reading was tough going, So sad
was his story.
                                     Cheerleading more his liking, He saw
great things ahead,
                                     Now he's the chief cheerleader, For
all those whose brains are dead.
                                    He's the meanest little cowchip, These
eyes have ever seen,
                                    He learned a lot from Mama, That mean
goat-roping queen.
                                    And he hands out special favors, To all
his kith and kin,
                                    But if you point the finger, Man
they're sure to haul you in.
                                    Now when it came to Viet Nam, Little
smirking chimp said no,
                                    Daddy rich and connected, Made sure he
didn't go.
                                    Instead he cowered yellow, While others
went to die,
                                    Now we're in an endless war, Thanks to
his atrocious lies.
                                    Yes the yellow rogue of Texas, Went
AWOL from the Guard,
                                    He hid out in the bushes, a-snorting
mighty hard.
                                    When they asked him why he'd done it,
He smirked and scratched his head,
                                    My Daddy said I oughtta, Let those
brown boys go instead.
                                    Oh the yellow rogue of Texas, Is
dastardly indeed,
                                    He takes away from children, the things
they dearly need.
                                    And he screws the old folks royal,
while spittin' in their eye,
                                    The yellow rogue of Texas, Is his
Mama's kind of guy.
                                    Oh the yellow TV anchors, They never
question hard,
                                    The yellow rogue from Texas, He's got
them by the nards.
                                    Dare they not suck up daily, Their
ratings might go down,
                                    If they ever pry too deeply, That which
might expose the clown.

                               He's the dimmest li'l light bulb, That Texas
ever grew,
                               And here's the real amazing part, I bet you
never knew.
                               He's really not from Texas, He's a Yankee
from Northeast,
                               To claim that he's a Texan, Is a shame to
say the least.
                               So beware the rogue of Texas, All ye who
want the truth,
                               They'll hunt you down and smoke you, They're
all fresh out of ruth.
                               And if you go gettin' onry, Remember what
I've said,
                               The yellow rogue of Texas, Will two-step
right on your head.
All images courtesy of
Verses 3, 5, 6 ,9 Copyright extexan
Verse 8 courtesy of ChokeOnIt
Page created by Puna Productions