

Dear All,

As some of you know, the GBH GIS project, in collaboration with the Centre
for Environment and Hydrology, is doing a pilot study of scanning and
geo-referencing the maps created by the Land Use Survey of Great Britain in
the 1930s.

We are already doing something similar with two sets of OS 1" maps and the
land use maps would be a very interesting addition.  However, one obvious
and unavoidable question is who owns copyright in them.  The base maps are
OS 1" maps which will be out of (Crown) copyright by now, but a separate
copyright exists in the over-printed land use information.

General information on this would be useful, but we have already had a lot
of help from Francis Herbert at the RGS, and various contacts of his.  They
have suggested that copyright belongs to Geographical Publications Ltd,
and/or to Audrey Clark.

... but how do I contact them?  Does the firm still exist in any sense?

We clearly need a clear answer to the copyright issue before going much
further with any of the technical issues.  Given that the Land Use Survey
was basically an academic project drawing on a great deal of free
assistance from schools, I hope some way can be found for another
not-for-profit project, emphasising free dissemination to schools, to draw
on it.

Best wishes,

Humphrey Southall
Humphrey Southall
Reader in Geography/Director,
Great Britain Historical GIS Project
Department of Geography, University of Portsmouth

Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE

GIS Project Office: (023) 9284 2500
Home office:  (020) 8853 0396
Mobile:  (07736) 727928

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