

Social Research Asociation (SRA) Evening Seminar

21st May 2003, 5:00pm

The Nuffield Foundation
28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS

Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles in Britain

There have been major changes in British family life in recent decades,
including important shifts in people's sexual attitudes and behaviour. Kaye
Wellings from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will give
a very timely talk about the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and
Lifestyles in Britain (2000). This is the second major survey of this type
and is funded by the Medical Research Council, with support from the
Department of Health. The survey aims to respond to recent areas of policy
concern and to explore how sexual behaviour has changed over the last
decade. A random sample of over 11,000 adults were interviewed about issues
such as general health and use of health services, family and learning
about sex, first sexual experiences and sources and use of contraceptives.

Kaye Wellings is one of the founders of the National Survey of Sexual
Attitudes and Lifestyles in Britain and a principal investigator on both
the first (1990) and second (2000) surveys. She will talk about the key
methodological issues involved in a study of this nature and will outline
some recent findings from the 2000 survey.

The seminar is free to SRA members, while a small charge of £5 is payable
by non-members. The seminar will take place at The Nuffield Foundation,
Founders Room, 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JS.

The seminar will start promptly at 5:00pm, followed by drinks in a local
bar at 6.30pm.

The Social Research Association looks forward to welcoming you.