

Hello Suzie
The unconscious intruding a bit there :-)   Personally I think you've chosen an excellent name for the kitten.
GERALD - see what a ring to it :-)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: s.macer <[log in to unmask]>
    To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
    Date: 16 April 2003 19:43
    Subject: Re: don't be afraidt
        Well I wasn’t going to own up to this, but being at a loss as to what to name our two new Maine Coon kittens back in February........ I finally decided to name the red tabby and white boy ‘Gerald’ and the blue tabby girl ‘Phoebe’.  

        It was several days later before it dawned on me though that Gerald is almost an anagram of ‘Garfield’ with a ‘bit missing’ Garfield being our beloved, huge old fluffy ginger tomcat who passed over to the Rainbow Bridge the very same day we were going to collect the kittens.

