

In case colleagues interested in speaking at our next meeting have run out
of time before the Easter break, further offers of papers are warmly
invited for the Maynooth meeting of the Conference of University Teachers
of German in Great Britain and  Ireland (8-10 September 2003).

Titles of papers should be sent (with a short abstract - 250-300 words)
to one of the strand  co-ordinators before the final deadline of 30 April

The broad subject groupings and co-ordinators are as follows:

Papers on linguistics/language teaching to: Dr Gertrud Reershemius,
Department of Languages and European Studies, Aston University, Aston
Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET (e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Papers on literature to: Prof. Frank Finlay, Department of German,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT (e-mail: [log in to unmask] )

Papers on society/institutions/media to: Dr Ian Foster, School of Languages,
University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT (e-mail: [log in to unmask])

Potential speakers, who should be paid-up  members of the CUTG (see ), are  asked to give early notice of any audio-visual
equipment they might need  and are reminded that there will be a volume of
proceedings based on the papers given at the Maynooth conference. Further
details will be provided in  due course.