

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Ben Ryan wrote:

> Andy,
>     In your recent post you mentioned that you are not convinced that URNs
> should be used for resource identifiers. I was intending to use URNs to
> identify both resources and metadata records. If you have previously written
> about your reasons for not being convinced about URNs could you send me the
> location or reply to me directly.
>     I have not posted this to the list but can do if you think that a
> discussion would be useful to the rest of the members.

apologies for the delayed response.  This is a fairly complex issue and
can't be answered quickly...

For the record, I'm not strongly anti-URNs - indeed I think that URNs have
a place, but I'm not 100% convinced that identification of learning
objects is one of them!

What I think we (as a community) really need to do is to think about our
functional requirements of identifiers for learning objects and learning
object metadata records.  If we can agree on our requirements, then we are
better placed to make choices between available technologies.

So, this response is simply to say that I am trying to work up an issues
paper about the use of identifiers - and that will include my attempt at a
statement of functional requirements.

I've copied this to the list, so that other people know that something is
on the way in due course (hopefully during the next two weeks).


Distributed Systems, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK       +44 1225 383933
Resource Discovery Network