European Telecommunications Resilience & Recovery Association
     11th - 13th June 2003 -
ICT Works

I am delighted to invite you to participate in the European Telecommunications Resilience and Recovery Association (ETRČA) inaugural conference, which will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK on 11th - 13th June 2003.

This conference will focus on the need for every organisation to have resilient and robust communications and to transfer this into an effective business continuity management strategy. It will include presentations and discussions by representatives from all leading international groups in this expanding area and will provide a forum for academics to present new findings.

The conference information booklet is now available on line at and is regularly updated with the latest programme and speaker details. This also includes information on submission of abstracts. 

I hope you will take the opportunity to attend this conference and visit the vibrant city of Newcastle upon Tyne. Renowned for its warm and friendly welcome, it offers a rich variety of culture from fine art, theatre, music, with a wide variety of restaurants and nightclubs as well as some excellent shopping, sport and leisure facilities.

I strongly suggest you book early to avoid disappointment. Meanwhile if you have any special enquiries please do not hesitate to contact the conference organisers, Benchmark Communications, who will be happy to help you.

I look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle in June.

Yours sincerely,
Maitland Hyslop
Head of Knowledge, Information and ICT
One North East
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