

----- Original Message -----
From: "Danny McGeehan"
Subject: Re: Emergency Services Collabarative

> Ah yes Adrian but we have the Consultants saying and voting that they want
a national settlement yet all the ESC does is to divide the speciality.
Play ball, collect a few statistics and well give you a bit more dosh.  I
saw through that months ago.  If there is any extra money it should go to
all depts. not those who curry political favour.  The worst excesses of the
opting out and SGT that we saw in the 80's.

Actually Danny, the only money we received directly from the ESC was for a
fixed-term project manager and data collector. So nothing substantive or
recurring towards service development; that came directly from our usual
sources, which these days is PCT, bidding via the SHA. Damn these
three-letter acronyms! Speaking of which, what's SGT Danny? So anyway, I'm
not at all sure that our recent substantive funding is related to our ESC
involvement Danny; besides, all trusts are being involved with the ESC by
late 2003 I believe.

At the end of the day, I agree that funding should go towards those units
where there is a genuine need. We had genuine needs however, particularly
with respect to middle-grade medical staffing, having only two such posts
prior to this year (and you know the sort I mean...maximum part time), which
is why you often catch me writing in the middle of the night after a late
shift in the department! I very much view this as "catching up" money.


Adrian (only awake at this ungodly hour tonight to watch some seriously fast
cars in Melbourne!)