

(apologies for any cross-posting.)

National Conference

'Impossible Work': Critical Perspectives on Youth Prostitution work

Tuesday June 17th  2003, 9.30am - 5pm

Keynote Speakers:

Hilary Kinnell, Co-ordinator of the UK Network of Sex Work Projects
Wendy Shepherd, Barnardo's SECOS Project, Middlesborough
Dr. Jenny Pearce, Middlesex University
Dr. Joanna Phoenix, University of Bath
Kate Brown, Youth Worker at WHIP in Leicester

Limited to 100 places
Book early to avoid disappointment!

Call Holly on 01225 384055
Or email: [log in to unmask]

There is no charge for attending this conference and some travel bursaries are available.

'Impossible Work': Critical Perspectives On Youth Prostitution Work.

Conference Aims:

Three years on from the publication of the 'Safeguarding Children involved in Prostitution' government guidance, 'Impossible Work' provides a
platform from which to  reflect critically upon both practice and policy. Areas covered by speakers include unintended consequences of policy
reform, struggle for and between practioners, possibilities for innovation and    development    and constraints to changing policy and practice.

The conference speakers, who come from practical, academic and campaigning backgrounds, will provide a framework in which to confront some
of the problems of working in the area of youth prostitution.  The conference will end with open  discussion between all speakers and delegates.

Contact Details:      Conference Venue:

Holly Trotman,       Regent's College
Conference Administrator     Inner Circle
Department of Social Policy Sciences   Regent's Park
University Of Bath      London
Claverton Down      NW1 4NS

Tel: 01225 384055
Email: [log in to unmask]