

I  recently tendered for additional records storage as our current
repositories are full.
The main reason for this is it was more  economically viable to outsource
this area than to set up more additional storage.

We are going to be using a combination of sites, whereby the bulk of the
records will be shifted off site to a low cost storage area with the
possibility of a daily retrieval service, the high recall records will be
held on-site at the main building. The reason for this approach is it will
allow us to keep the costs of the contract low. As the storage costs are
relatively cheap but the retrieval and additional expense is where the cost
of the contract can vary significantly.

Tony May
Documents Manager
Hertfordshire County Council
Phone: 01992 556 729
Comnet 26729

                      Janet Peters
                      <[log in to unmask]         To:      [log in to unmask]
                      >                                   cc:
                      Sent by: The UK Records             Subject: Outsourcing
                      Management mailing list

                      19/02/2003 16:10
                      Please respond to The UK
                      Records Management mailing

Another new member for the list ...

I am struggling to set up a proper records management system for my
institution (small to medium sized university), but am faced with the
fundamental problem of not having any spare space anywhere to set up a
centralised storage area, or at least not without spending huge sums of
money to convert basements.  Another option might be to digitise, but I am
not keen at the moment to go for wholesale digitising of records because we
are new to this game, and I think we need to get our paper records in order
first.  So, I am seriously considering outsourcing either just the storage
element (and employing a Records Manager/Officer to maintain the collection
and organise van transport) or the whole records management service. I am
looking at a 5 to 10 year retention period for most of the records.

If any of you have done this, I would be very interested to know what you
included in the specification for the work, and in any success/horror
stories you are aware of. Perhaps I should add that I have already
approached our County Records Office, but they do not have much space
either, at least at the moment.

I will circulate responses to the list in due course.


Janet Peters
Head of Library and Information Services
University of Wales College, Newport
Caerleon Campus
PO Box 179
Tel./Fax/Minicom:  +44 1633 432108
email: [log in to unmask]

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