

Hi another masacistic soul joins the fold,
After a life of many varied occupations from stage performer to fine art
student to bus driver then records.  In the early nineties I emerged form a
second stint at studying fine art, realising that the career prospects were
grim.  So I applied and was accepted in the suburan bus system as driver and
part time depot admin assistant/roster clerk( no one was more surprised than
me ).  Then sometime in '98 the government sold off all the bus services and
tried to push all the employees to go too.  I held fast and refused, and
chose records management as an alternative seeing it is considered a core
function, especially after the WA Inc Royal Commission. I thought that if
any department that I was working in went done, then it would be easy to be
redeployed to another.  My preconceived notions of filing and the issues
have changed dramatically - now I know the reason friends labeled me as anal
retentive because my CD collection is classified by type and alphabetically
shelved, even the groceries in the larder are grouped by type and alpha
sequences in nice neat rows.
Geoff Carruthers
Acting Records Manager
Department of Culture and the Arts
Level 7 Law Chambers Building
573 Hay St
Perth WA 6000