

Dear Chain-ers,

Several of us here have experience of the uncertainties of recruitment of
subjects via general practices (family health clinics) onto research
studies. The body of knowledge on factors influencing the 'success' or
'failure' of recruitment seems rather fragmented. I would be grateful for
references to relevant explanatory research. There are several aspects of

1) What attracts GPs (family doctors / clinicians) to take part in
multi-site studies?
2) What discourages them?
3) What retains GPs on studies? (this question can be interpreted as 'What
influences whether they continue to follow the study and recruitment
procedures', thereby attempting to exclude factors beyond GPs' control).
4) Conversely to no. 3, what study-related factors lead GPs to drop out of

All references, hints and pointers gratefully received.

Thank you,

Roy Marsh
Research Facilitator

Suffolk and Norfolk Primary Care Research Network (SuNet)
School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice
University of East Anglia
Tel. 01603 593746, Fax 593752