

From: Adrian Fogarty <[log in to unmask]>

But you're missing one small point Simon; clinical fellows don't get this
so-called banding, they simply get additional duty paid at an hourly rate,
with some room for local flexibility. But most clinical fellows and staff
grades are only going to get around time-and-a-half to double time for
additional hours worked, there's no way any of them are getting triple or
quadruple time or more, like the training grades do.

--> Eh, sorry. Slightly wrong.

Perhaps not ALL clinical fellows around the UK get it, but some do (working
alongside SPRs) from trusts that are relying on them to boost the ranks of
SpRs, in the current market of middle-grade-under-supply. I know of some
who're getting a 2A equvalent bonus to their SPR-level pay (though not sure
of which various SpR levels they are on - it's a variety).

--> AH did great! I did not support all his proposals, but I definitely
admire his efforts and dedication to a cause beyond his own self. May
consultants, NCCGs and GPs as well as all our non-doctor colleagues also
realise that this government will not listen to anyne who is benidng over
backwards to meet arbitrary numerical targets which will get it re-elected
instead of putting patient care first.

When this govt needs an anti-medical atmosphere, as it does now in order to
push consultants into its planned private practise ban and enslavement to
management etc, then it will look to create another "scandal". We are all
playing into its hands by lying, cheating, massaging figures and standards
for what's called wards, beds, etc. We're pushing our own expertise and
livelihoods into the domains of others to get them "off our books" by 4
hours. When this helps the govt to show its success and get re-elected, they
will then suddenly turn and "uncover" all these lies and tricks and beat us
with them! Trick and Treat indeed...

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