

Modern Humanities Research Association
Offer of 3 Years' Free Postgraduate Membership

To reinforce its commitment to young researchers (including mature students new to research), the
MHRA is offering three years' free membership to all students registered for a higher degree in the
modern humanities.* As members, postgraduates will receive a free copy of the Association's main
journal, the Modern Language Review (including free access to its online version) together with a
free print copy of the MHRA's Style Guide, the stylistic model for MA and PhD dissertations. They
will be entitled to subscribe to other MHRA publications at greatly reduced rates. Postgraduate
members will have an opportunity, through representation on the Association's committee, to
influence the way in which the MHRA supports postgraduates in the future.

For further information and application forms visit:

An organisation with charitable status, the MHRA exists to promote the highest quality advanced
research in its constituent fields and to encourage co-operation across the humanistic disciplines.
As well as being a major publisher in its own right, it supports external publications through a
subventions scheme. It has a special commitment to supporting major editorial projects as well as
work in those languages and cultures that are under-supported as fields of study. It promotes a
broad range of approaches to the modern humanities, including work in the areas of gender studies,
art history, cultural history, film studies, and critical theory. As a service to scholarship the
MHRA has recently made its Style Guide available free of charge online. It can be downloaded from

Non-postgraduates interested in membership of the MHRA will find further information and contact
details at the same website. Membership entitles researchers to receive the Modern Language Review
(including free access to its online version), to subscribe at reduced rates to other MHRA
publications, and, through representation on the Committee, to influence the MHRA's future
initiatives in support of research.

* For the purposes of the MHRA's charitable obligations, the modern humanities includes the modern
and medieval languages, literatures, and cultures of Europe, including English and the Slavonic
languages, and the cultures of the European diaspora. History, art history, and philosophy as
narrowly conceived fall outside the Association's remit, but the study of language and literature
is interpreted in the broadest sense to include an overlap with neighbouring disciplines, e.g.
cultural history, wherever appropriate.