

Andy said:

> A "DCMI namespace" is an "XML namesapce" as defined by the
> first definition in

  An XML namespace is a collection of names, identified by a URI
  [RFC2396], which are used in XML documents as element types and
  attribute names.

> I suppose one might try to make the argument that because DCMI terms
are used outside of XML documents,
> a DCMI namespace is somehow more than an XML namespace? (But I

I think this is the point I'm struggling towards....

I admit my question might seem a stupid one, or pedantry just for the
sake of it, but it seems to me that an XML Namespace can only be a
collection of "names... that are used in XML documents as element types
and attribute names".

It seems to me that on this basis an XML Namespace can _not_ be a
collection of DCMI terms, because a DCMI term is _not_ an XML element
type name or XML attribute name. A DCMI term might (sometimes) be
_represented_ by an XML element type name or an XML attribute name but
that's not the same thing.

So a "DCMI namespace" is not an XML namespace, it's a "term set" or
something like that.....

That still fits with Patrick's comment earlier on today that the
"defining resource" can be anything in the universe, but I think it's
something slightly different from an XML Namespace.
