

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rowley Cottingham"

> Hmm. Your post 20/1/03 16:37. My post 20/1/03, 22:53. 6 hours and a bit.
Slow it ain't.

Yes I know Rowley, was just being facetious again. (But you are sometimes 6
days late!)

> Incidentally, the
> reason I often do not append the entire thread to a message is because I
use a proper e-mail client that
> does something called threading, where it does the stitching together of
the messages so that this
> message is attached to the appropriate one.

But it's very useful including the (usually edited) original message in your
replies, rather like I'm doing here.

> This prevents what is known as the AOL syndrome, where a
> huge thread gets sent back with the attached message, "Me too!", which is
apparently pervasive on the
> AOL network.

Cool term Rowley, but don't we do that a lot too!

> May I take this opportunity to recommend that all list members look into
using a client capable of
> threading. Outlook and outlook express cannot, and this leads to people
like Adrian being mystified. Try
> Eudora, pegasus or the client
I use, AMEOL, to see how
> much better these programs are than the Microsoft offerings. Just as a
teaser, I have not included the
> message to which this is a comment.

Yes thank you Rowley, have heard all about your email client
still mystified! Once you start talking about things like UNIX and
JavaScript my eyes start to glaze over!

But returning to the origins of this particular discourse, I can't help it
if every time I mention something grammatical on this list, half a dozen of
you start quoting poetry, or else start speaking in Romanian and German!
