


The Goethe Society of North America invites proposals for a panel on the
forms and functions of parody in and of Goethe’s work at the 2003 MLA
Convention, 27-30 December in San Diego.

Goethe still provokes. 250 years after Nicolai remodeled the sorrows
into Die Freuden des jungen Werthers, Enzensberger wrote Nieder mit
Goethe! Eine Liebeserklärung. Parody challenges authority while
reinscribing it. No wonder that Goethe, who himself was an avid
practitioner of parody in his early career, later judges such subversive
transgressions ambivalently.

Parody seems to mark the intersections between invention and critique,
adaptation and revision, combination and competition, similarity and
difference. This panel is interested in re-visioning Goethe by examining
parodies in diverse media and from a broad range of theoretical
orientations and methodological approaches.

With a view to Goethe, papers might focus on the pragmatics of parody:
on effects ranging from ridicule to reverence, on forms from the comic
to the ironic or on contexts from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Papers
might consider Goethe in regards to a variety of parodistic discourses
including pastiche, travesty, satire, caricature or burlesque. Papers
might also explore more theoretical perspectives such as those of
Schlegel, Bakhtin, Deleuze, Genette, Kristeva or Hutcheon in relation to
Goethe and parody. Feminist perspectives are especially welcome!

Panelists must be MLA members. Please submit 1-2 page proposals by March
15th, 2003 to:

Angela Borchert
Department of Modern Languages
and Literatures
University College 256
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7, Canada
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Fax: (519) 661-4093