

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, ussc wrote:

> How do,
> I was just writing a small section in SUN/251 (doc for STARJAVA) on MS
> Windows. Would it be a good idea to include the STARJAVA Windows zip
> files on the CD (just in a windows dir on the CD)? I could not download
> the zip files from you treeview site, have you got them?
> Steve.

I've widened this to the stardev list since others may have comments.

The windows zip files are basically the same as the rest apart from
including a couple of DLLs.  I have got copies of these
which I believe to be up to date at:

but Peter is the official keeper of the JNI DLLs so maybe he'd like
to give you them.

I had consdidered the following but figured it was a bit last-minute to get
included.  Maybe it's worth doing.  What would be not only possible but,
I think, easy, would be to put the whole runtime starjava set
(what installing the packages/starjava_${SYSTEM}.tar.gz package gives you)
with the shared libraries for all the available systems (their locations
do not clash with each other) directly onto all the CDs.

Then you could take any of the CDs, stick it into the CD drive of
any machine with the correct version of java installed, and
get going with no further installation required.  Applications
which require shared libraries would only run correctly on
some platforms (solaris, linux, MS) but the pure java ones
would run on your washing machine or whatever as long as it had
J2SE1.4.  This is not such a big deal for starlink managers
installing the new version of the USSC, but would make it a much
nicer toy to hand out at ADASS say.  On the other hand, maybe
we'd prefer to print up a new load of CDs for that purpose.

I believe there is space on the updates CD for this alongside all the
stuff which is already there - it would just be a new 'starjava'
top level directory, identical on all 3 CDs.

The ISO image at

is an example of what I mean.  It's basically the same as a
what you'd get from installing the starjava set from the package
on the linux update CD, but instead of just having the lib/i386
directory, it also has lib/alpha, lib/sparc and lib/x86.
There are a few other things on this image (e.g. an easy-to-digest
source zip file) but these are not necessary.


Mark Taylor    Starlink Programmer    Physics,  Bristol University, UK
[log in to unmask]  0117 928 8776