


I'm putting sae, par and fio into CVS and autoconfing them (so SST
will build, and obviously others, too), but I'm a little bit puzzled by
what's there.

All three packages have a fac_xxx_err file, a xxx_par and a xxx_par.h,
plus _err files.  They're pretty clearly generated files, but there's
no source for any of them.  There's mention of an errgen utility --
do I take it that this is an archaeological relic from the VAX days,
the errgen utility no longer exists, so these files are now source files
of magic numbers.  We probably wouldn't need to regenerate them anyway.

Also, the par_par file has further magic in it saying that certain
constants have to match SUBPAR constants.  Can anyone confirm this,
or am I missing something?

Further, I'd never realised how tiny the SAE package is.  This isn't
more rationally part of a larger package, is it?

Working through the dense trees of dependencies here, I'm increasingly
aware of how convoluted all this is.  It strikes me that we could do
away with much of the complication -- including all the *_link and
*_link_adam scripts -- by simply rolling a larger library containing
all or most of the smaller libraries, so that applications thereafter
only need specify -lstar (or whatever) to build.  Disk space is cheap,
and shared libraries easy.  Any thoughts about this?


Norman Gray              
Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK     [log in to unmask]