Hello all,

I am scripting a set of processing procedures and wish to threshold a SPECT scan based upon user input. Most of the script works fine, but I have found an oddity between platforms/matlab versions. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this or might be able to point me in the right direction for resolving this.

An example of what I am trying to do is the following:

%c is a constant for thresholding (value comes from user input in script) c=100; P=spm_get;

When run on a Sun (Solaris 8) using matlab (R11.1) this code works correctly and produces the binary image of i1. When I run it on a Windows XP machine using matlab R13 and an SGI Irix machine running matlab 6.1 I get the following errors. All machines have all of the spm2 updates.

>> Q=spm_imcalc_ui(P,'test','i1>c',{},c)
SPM2: spm_imcalc_ui (v2.7)                         07:34:30 - 09/12/2003
??? Error: "End of Input" expected, "=" found.
Error in ==> C:\spm2\spm_imcalc.m
On line 66  ==>   eval([inputname(i),' = varargin{i-4};'])
Error in ==> C:\spm2\spm_imcalc_ui.m
On line 157  ==> Vo   = spm_imcalc(Vi,Vo,f,args{:});

Any ideas on what is different between matlab 5.3 and the matlab 6 that would cause this behavior?

Scott Ziolko
University of Pittsburgh PET Facility
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