

Hello everyone, I'm participating in a research project on
"Interdisciplinary Analysis of Sign & Guidance Systems in Hospitals", in
Lisbon, Portugal.
The research will try to establish a model that will enable the
understanding of the main difficulties about the use of these facilities.
Since I'm starting to use the space syntax tools, and don't have much
experience with them, i don't know which could be the best tool for this
particular purpose.
I see axman used in a lot of studies of large buildings, but also some use
of Pesh, and lately of VGA. I have the first ones, and VGA i'll be trying
to use it shortly.
We were curious also about spatialist but Prof. Peponis seems hard to catch
trough is email and i never succeeded in licensing it!
We will focus our study in three Portuguese Hospitals, of three different
time periods, each one representative of his "kind". The more recent one
will be a contemporary building. They are all very large and at least one,
with the services spread trough several contiguous buildings.
Anyone has some experience in something similar and could give me some word
of advice? Anyone with some experience in the tools could give me some
hints in which would be a better option? Would it be interesting to use
more than one of them?
Wouldn't Axman and Pesh give similar results in this kind of use?
Thank you for your time and attention,

Victor Ferreira
Faculty of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal