

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

The second EFFECTS/Embedding Learning Technologies seminar will take place
on 8 April 2003, 1pm-5pm, at the University of London.

Professor Mark Stiles and Dr. Jenny Yorke (Staffordshire University) will
speak about 'Designing and Implementing Learning Technology Projects'.

Mark says: "The workshop aims to enable participants to:

- understand the relationship between pedagogic and technical approaches
- modes of working - e.g. departmental vs partnership with services
- understand the need for a planned approach and draw up a plan covering:

Development, including:
- learning outcomes, activities and assessment
- staffing requirements for development
- roles
- phases and timescales
- support requirements
- quality issues
- accessibilty

Implementation, including:
- quality assurance
- enrolment
- ongoing support
- etutoring
- assessment
- monitoring
- the need for evaluation

- be aware of practical issues, such as:
- team working
- feature creep
- slippage
- organisational requirements eg validation
- staff development"

There is no charge for attendance, however, advance booking is essential.
Please email [log in to unmask] to reserve a place.
Deadline for bookings: 31 March.

More info on the SEDA Embedding Learning Technologies Award can be found at

Jan Smith
PBL Co-ordinator
Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place
London WC1E 7JE

t: 020 7679 (3)3982
f: 020 7388 9325