Dear All,


B-doubles is THE hot issue in transportation in South America. Brazil is beginning with B-doubles in their big cities such as Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte. Chilean and Argentinean authorities are being approached by for a pilot. Brazilians call them “B-trens”.


On January this year I requested information about road-trains for an article. I would like to thank all colleagues from this mailing list that help me out with contacts and information so I could write it.


I am glad to inform that the article was published (in Spanish) leading to interviews ( 27/6/03), and diverse professionals contacting me for information from firms such as Exxon and the Argentine Federation of Transport Associations (Fadeeac). However, and according to the rules of the list, any query will pass through me for I am not publicly mentioning its existence.


With my best regards, and till next enquire,  



Alejandra Efrón

Ph.D. Candidate

Institute of Transport Studies

Faculty of Ecomics and Business

The University of Sydney


e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 61-2- 9351-0169/ 9036-4514 

Fax: 61-2-9351-0088