

Dear Ray

I believe that 'race'/'ethnic group' are important sociological
constructs which (unfortunately) correlate highly with many social
outcomes.  I do not believe that human 'races' are meaningful genetic
constructs.  Some subdivisions have both biological and sociological
meaning - such as sex/gender.  Others like 'race' and 'class'/'caste'
are meaningful sociological concepts but not meaningful 'biological'

Best wishes


Alan Zaslavsky wrote:

>On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Ray Thomas wrote:
>>Maybe Dave Gordon was talking to the wrong people in Washington.    The
>>people who need convincing that race is not a scientific construction is the
>>US Bureau of Statistics.    The Bureau actually has a heading on their
>>website that lists about 200 "Racial statistics news releases" that go back
>>to 1996.   One of the more recent, dated June 12, 2003, starts as follows:
>It would be silly to conclude from the effort devoted to measuring "race"
>by the U.S. Census Bureau that they believe that race is a scientific
>(much less biological) construct.  Collection of "race" information is a
>statutory requirement upon the Bureau, mostly due to laws intended to
>monitor compliance with civil rights provisions with respect to
>legislative districting and a number of other issues.  Modifications of
>the "racial" categories have taken place over the years to make the
>answers more reliable (in the measurement sense, i.e. to maximize the
>extent to which the same answer will be provided by the same person at
>different times and in different data systems) and in response to
>political pressures, often from the affected groups.
>There is no doubt that "race" is a widely used social categorization in
>the U.S. and furthermore corresponds to a significant extent to the lines
>along which social goods are inequitably divided (even after controlling
>for measures of social class such as income or occupation), hence the
>widespread use of racial categories in measuring disparities of various
>kinds within the U.S. population.  Of course when racism has vanished then
>we won't have to worry about that any more, but in the meantime ...
>Alan Zaslavsky
>Harvard Medical School
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Dave Gordon
Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research
University of Bristol
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Bristol BS8 1TZ, UK

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