

> Mark W. said,
> >Whether he gassed the Kurds is a subject of some controversy. Even if
> >he did I would have preferred a trial and imprisonment.
> Here here! (or is that "hear hear!"?)  I'd also prefer trial and
> imprisonment for the, um, "shiteaters" in Washington who
> were, ah, "goatfucking" the dictator when he gassed the Kurds.
> sorry for my language.
> Kent

Oh, sure, Mark and Kent, be much nicer if they'd hauled him in front of an
International Criminal Court, no question.

But I refuse to conceal my delight that the bastard's (probably) dead.

Hell of a lot of dead Kurds -- what was the score?  50,000?

Not often I'm pleased when somone dies, but this was once.
