

waking to loss, not knowing
what of, how--the next
oak leaf loss?--

weaving its way through linens
& a freezing still-
gone word loss--

not cold temperature, no:
that timed, short motion--
life until,

hearing the piped catch
of fuel-engine-strut
outside I

can see exactly how
this idea globe has
no idea

of clear loss, how loss will suck
dry every corner:
lost beings--

Modersohn-Beckers, umbra
cradles I have thought
more of (less

loss--sun more lumin to float,
substanceless uber-
shadows to

scarve the still-working-face) my
friends, flat loss, reading,
even as

sun smacks the balm of day's luck,
that unheard shake of it--
loss aloud

Chris Murray  Dallas, TX  26 Nov 03 11:47 p. m.