

Dear Terence

I understand the kind of information you are after - the issue is normally, for my supervision, answered in the methodology part of the project. That is, the issues about validity are required to be addressed as a standard part of the account of the methodology.

So, my answer is, firstly establish methodology - in doing this, the issues will arise and presumably be answered.

Hence, error is part of any and all methods - the distinctive kinds of errors that are hightened by one method need to be distinctly addressed in the methods section.

There are lots of methods resources on line that offer the pros and cons of well established methods. If a candidate is using some "new" kind of method, then one presumes this is the actual topic of their thesis?

all the best

keith russell
OZ newcastle

>>> Terence Love <[log in to unmask]> 09/16/03 16:44 PM >>>

Wondering. Am I missing something? In the circles I've hung out around over the last 30 years its widely accepted that self deception/ false consciousness is common place at least in terms of the lack of reliability of individuals' self reports about their experiences, perceptions, analyses, reasoning, attitudes, motivation (and just about anything else). In other words, anything to do with sense of self, ego, feelings, self perception of cognition, confidence and certainty is unreliable. It appears as best I can see that this everyday stuff is serious for design research becasue it presents a critical validity problem for some forms of doctoral study. I'm puzzled it doesn't seem to be taken seriously in design education - particularly in doctoral research where it is  potentially disasterous for the success for any  doctoral candidate's thesis that depends on self reporting or reflection. 

I asked some weeks ago if anyone on the list had a solution.  I'm interested in finding a reuseable strategy that  enables reflection-based doctoral research to stand the conmventional critiques associated with self reporting.   So far, I have had one reply from a student and a reply from the manager of a website that focuses on reflective practice..  I'd be very much interested in the approaches used by other doctoral supervisors in advising candidates involved with reflection-based research or research that depends on the self reporting of internal states or reasoning - particularly where the study is aimed to demonstrate research competence for a doctoral award. Please feel free to email me off-list

Best wishes,,


Dr. Terence Love
Dept of Design
Faculty of BEAD
Curtin University
+61 (0)8 9266 4018
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