

Dear Student,

Here is the second assignment. Please do this assignment in the group
that will working together for the semesteroppgave. If you plan to
work as a single author, do this assignment by yourself.

It is time to choose your teaching assistant. His assignment should
be delivered to the teaching assistant you choose. Please let the
teaching assistant know who you are. You and your group of two or
three students will work with the same teaching assistant for the
rest of the course.

-- The assignment

1) Locate each of the items in the following list:

-- An article by Arne Nygaard in the Journal of Marketing Research.

-- An article on market orientation from the Journal of Marketing.

-- An article on management from any issue of Fortune Magazine
published in 2002.

-- An article on economics from a December 2002 issue of The Economist.

-- An article on business from a February 2003 issue of Dagens Næringsliv.

-- An article on European politics from a February 2003 issue of

-- A full-text article in ABI that you will use in your annotated bibliography.

-- Note 14 of chapter six in Daft.

2) Write a citation for each of these items in the BI-NMH author-year style.

3) Rewrite Note 15 in chapter six of Daft into the BI-NMH style.

4) Write a bibliographic note on Maverick in the same style you will
use for the annotated bibliography.

5) Write a bibliographic note on an article or book that you actually
plan to use in you annotated bibliography.

6) Make an appointment with your teaching assistant and bring this
assignment with you.

7) Your assignment is complete when you finish your meeting with the
teaching assistant.

-- The purposes of this assignment are

1) to learn and practice database research and using the library,

2) to improve your use of references and citations,

3) to allow us to find out whether you understand how to use
references and write citations,

4) to practice for the annotated bibliography, and

5) to get any feedback and coaching you may need.

Once you have mastered and understood the issues involved in
reference and citation, this assignment will take you approximately
an hour.

If you do not understand some issues, this assignment involves a
learning cycle. It will take you longer to complete. Taking this time
is important and useful for work on your semesteroppgave.

If you have any questions on proper reference and citation style,
visit the BI-NMH library Web site. URL:

When you get this page, you will see the text:

Referanseteknikk for oppgaver som skrives på norsk
Når oppgaven skrives på norsk skal også kildehenvisningene og
referanselisten skrives på norsk.
[les mer]

Citations and References for Theses in English
Når oppgaven skrives på engelsk skal også kildehenvisningene og
referanselisten skrives på engelsk.
[les mer]

Click on the tag reading [les mer]. (Foreign students, click on the
bottom tag where it says, [les mer].) You will find the short version

When you have finished with this assignment, we will be ready to
start work on the semesteroppgave.

Best regards,

Ken Friedman