

In a message dated 24/11/2003 12:47:27 GMT Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> We are using the "Health clearance for serious communicable diseases" draft
> guidance, which states all employees who are new to the NHS and will be
> conducting EPP's should  be tested for Hb Surface Antigen, HCV (Hep C) and HIV.
> That includes nearly all our Dr's plus midwifes theatre Staff OPD's etc, you
> can download the draft guidance from the DOH website.
> The guidance also states that all (not just those doing EPP), health care
> workers new to the NHS should be offered HCV, HIV testing and if they refuse be
> reminded of their professional responsibilities.;

Whilst this is true, this is still a draft document, and to begin routine HIV
testing has major implications.

I have to admit I am not convinced but would be interested to know if other
NHS providers undertake such screening.
