

I have had lots of problems with this, as those who apply for posts as EPP
Workers from within the trust who have shown good immunity, but not IVS, we
then appear to be required to obtain an IVS,but those who have not had a
booster within recent years may have low levels etc and give false negative
Hbsabs results and HbSag testing is then required on someone who had good
immunity to start with!!!
I have spoken to Dr Hugh Nicolas in DOH and he will take this problem to
Advisory group on Hepatitis in October!!
He says that this should not be making more testing of individuals, but I
have explained that the problems in reality are much broader.
So no great help really, but I think if you look at the DOH smart card
guidelines its clear what you can use a ID.
Personally I would not use ANY expired ID, but I guess if someone attends
pre employment from another Trust for IVS with in-date trust photo id and
you can see clearly that it is them, then I would accept that.

Deirdre Gallagher
Occupational Health Service Manager
Tel: 0208 302 2678 ext:4543

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:04
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Identified and validated samples

This is a query aimed at those who work in the NHS, in relation to what
is considered to be acceptable photographic ID for identified and validated
(IVS) blood samples.

1) Do you accept ID cards other than those listed in the DoH guidelines
(ie passport, Trust ID ard or new photographic driving licence)?
Do you accept ID from other Trusts?
If you do, do you accept it even if it is pass its expiry date and if so
how long after the expiry date would you accept it?

2) Are you extending this IVS rule to staff who are already working in the
trust but move to another specialty or merely get promoted in their same
area (eg a theatre staff nurse who is upgraded from grade E to F)?

This business of IVS is creating a lot of discussions in our dept. Is it
the same elsewhere?!

Therona Goldsmith