

Good morning everyone,
thank you all for your fascinating responses and comments etc re this
original question.
As a newish subscriber and also OH degree student, I seem to have set
everyone off with discussion and debate. The original question was posed as
a result of a colleague in another part of the country expressing some
concern re vaccination and Heaf testing partly due to confidence in the
correct technique even with training and also Heaf testing, subsequent BCG's
etc  taking into account past history, proof of vaccination, guidelines etc
and a toe was placed in the water to gain some insight into fellow OH
professionals feelings and practice also on this issue. This forum in terms
of information gathering and learning resources is priceless and  thank you
all for your sharing of knowledge and experience and details of same have
been passed on to my fellow class mates. May I come out from under the table
now please?
Best wishes to you all for Christmas

Chris Baldwin

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