

We purposely dont call or write etc as we dont want situations where they
are wondering why their manager never told them they were being referred.
We felt it was best that the manager discuss the reasons for referral and
ask them to contact us to arrange an appt.
We dont have lots of DNA's and it works quite well as we let the manager
know of the DNA and they wont be long chasing them!!
This is more about the manager managing their people than anything else.

Deirdre Gallagher
Occupational Health Service Manager
Tel: 0208 302 2678 ext:4543

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 08:44
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Consent

In a message dated 20/11/2003 11:44:28 GMT Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

Afterwards it is then the responsibility of the referred employee to book an
appt with OHD, we do not chase them or contact them

Can I ask how many actually do this?? We send appointments to ours and still
have a few DNA. To try and combat this I now try and contact as many as
possible by 'phone, obviously depending on each case and the reasons given
for the referral.

Glenn Raybone