

"International Workshop on Critical Evaluation
of mm-/submm-wave Spectroscopic Data
for Atmospheric Observations" will be held on 29-30
January 2004 at Ibaraki University,
Mito, JAPAN ( Cosponsored by the Communications
Research Laboratory and Ibaraki University)

Conference site:

The aim of the workshop is to discuss in view of the
forthcoming space missions;
- The accuracy of molecular parameters and
discrepancies of the data from various groups.
- The parameterization of the foreign continuum,
which dominates in atmospheric measurements, to
derived the accurate abundance of the water vapor from
troposphere to lower stratosphere.
More specifically there should be three major topics
to be covered;
* The pressure broadening parameters in the
millimeter, submillimeter, and far infrared regions
* Atmospheric foreign continuum from the millimeter
to infrared regions
   - The theory of the foreign continuum
   - The measurements of the foreign continuum
* The atmospheric molecular complex
   - Collision complex for the atmospheric continuum
   - van der Waals molecules in the atmosphere

Paper Submission

Contributed papers will be accepted to be poster
presentations.  Very limited number of contributed
papers could be accommodated as oral presentations.
Participants wishing to present a paper or papers
at the conference should access the conference site: for
The title(s) and the names of the contributors
should be sent prior to December 15, 2003  to Ryoko
Hirama, mailto: [log in to unmask] .

Dates to be noted.
December 15, 2003:  Deadline of submission of the
title(s) and the author(s) of contributed papers
Middle of January 2004:  Program will be announced
January 29, 2004: Deadline of submission of
proceedings of the contributed papers.
January 29-30, 2004: International Workshop on
Critical Evaluation of mm-/submm-wave Spectroscopic
Data for Atmospheric Observations

 T. Amano( [log in to unmask])
 Y. Kasai( [log in to unmask])