

 Call for Papers


St Anne's College, Oxford

7 – 11 July 2004


This second international conference open to all follows the successful
Developing Philosophy of Management conference at St Anne’s College in
summer 2002 which attracted delegates from 20 countries.  It will be of
special interest to philosophers, management researchers and teachers,
consultants and practising managers.

We welcome contributions and delegates from all cultures and intellectual

Organised by Philosophy of Management (formerly Reason in Practice)


Management as a set of ideas, a function and a group has never been more
influential or visible and the complexity and impact of its work continues
to grow across cultures. Since the 2002 Conference corporate scandals and
failures and renewed protests over globalisation have served only to
increase concerns at the powers and responsibilities of managers in some
sectors and cultures.  In this context, philosophical engagement with
management theory and practice and the issues managers face has never been
more necessary. This Conference will provide an opportunity for theorists
and practitioners to present new work in the philosophy of management,
engage with philosophical and practical issues in management within and
across cultures and experience the power of philosophical skills and methods
in practice.

Conference Format

¨     Plenary sessions with invited leading speakers

¨     Presentations of papers in parallel sessions

¨     Workshops, panel discussions and interviews

¨     Poster presentations

¨     Practitioner Pathway workshops including items such as:

-       Workshops offering participants the opportunity to experience or observe
philosophical processes and techniques in use by managers
-       Case studies of the application of philosophical thinking and techniques
in management practice and management development
-       Demonstrations of philosophical methods and materials used with managers


Practical and theoretical contributions in any of the above formats are
invited on any aspect of philosophy of management including:

1.      Presuppositions of management theory and practice

2.      Concepts employed in management thinking and practice

3.      Representations of management and the managerial myths informing
management theory and practice

4.      Management methodologies

5.      The relevance and applicability of philosophical techniques and skills to
management education, training and practice

6.      The application of philosophical disciplines to issues facing managers


In keeping with the conference title we especially welcome contributions
which reflect philosophically on experience and practice, and which
explicitly link theory to practice.

We also invite participants to propose collaborative  formats for their
sessions: eg paper, prepared reply and moderated discussion; contrasting
approaches to an issue with papers from theorists and practitioners.
Contributors are welcome to assemble small panels to offer a series of
linked papers.

Contributions addressing any of the following themes in this practical
spirit will be particularly welcome:

1.      Philosophy and philosophising in the everyday world of work: its uses for
organisations and individuals

2.      Notions of criticality in thinking within and about management

3.      Ethical issues for organisations and managers as individuals including
work, careers, identity and meaning

4.      Management education: how can and do philosophy, philosophising and
philosophers contribute?

5.      Epistemology of management: issues surrounding knowledge, learning,
expertise, rationality, emotions, strategic thinking, decision making

6.      Political issues in management: corporate governance and
responsibilities; stakeholders and shareholders; justice, democracy and
representation at work; the applicability of political concepts to managed

7.      The history of management ideas, their development and philosophical

8.      The impact of philosophy and philosophising on management theory,
practice and effectiveness

9.      Specific philosophers and their contribution – actual or potential -  to
management theory and practice

10.     African, Asian, Indian, Latin American and other non-western
philosophical approaches to management

11.     Feminist contributions to management theory and practice

12.     Understanding and managing processes of change: what can philosophical
thinking tell us about why so many management change initiatives fail and
why some succeed?

13.     Anniversaries:

1979: the first spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, was developed

We invite philosophical treatments of the significance and impacts of this

1954: publication of Peter Drucker’s The Practice of Management
1904: publication of Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo

We will welcome philosophical contributions relevant to management on any
aspect of either book. These could include discussions – critical or
supportive - of: content; intellectual origins; style; reception and
continuing reputation; influence; relevance and importance to understanding,
teaching and practising management in 2004.

Other 25th anniversaries you may care to consider: Three Mile Island;
publication of  C West Churchman’s The Systems Approach and its Enemies, of
Phil Crosby’s Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain, and
Jean-Francois Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge;
death of Herbert Marcuse; appointment of Andrew S Grove as Chairman of the
Board of Intel Corporation


The official conference publication is Philosophy of Management (formerly
Reason in Practice) All papers will be considered for publication in the

Journal website:

Important: Please note that Conference contributions can be accepted only on
condition that they have not been published or offered for publication
elsewhere and that Philosophy of Management has the right of first refusal
to publish them.  Submission of a proposal or paper constitutes acceptance
of this condition.


The language of the conference will be English.

To contribute...

Please submit a 500 word proposal plus separate contact details and brief cv
to arrive by Friday 21 November

Use email if possible to

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Alternatively, send 3 paper copies to

Nigel Laurie
Philosophy of Management
74a Station Road East
Surrey  RH8 0PG   UK


21 November             Proposals due

15 December             Contributors informed of acceptance

13 February             Full papers due

29 March                Notification of conference streams, session dates and times, etc

9 April                 Final paper text due in electronic form for inclusion in
11 June         Despatch of proceedings in cd rom format to all participants

7 – 11 July           Conference

Conference booking details will be available shortly

If you have not already done so, send a blank email to

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Or post your contact details to

Oxford Conference
Philosophy of Management
74a Station Road East
Oxted  Surrey  RH8 0PG    UK

Organising Committee

Nelarine Cornelius Brunel University
Paul Griseri University College London
Nigel Laurie Philosophy of Management (Chair)

Advisory Committee

Michael Freeden Professor of Politics and Fellow of Mansfield College,
Keith Grint Reader in Organisational Behaviour and Head of Research, Said
Business School, Oxford
Leonard Minkes  Emeritus Professor of Business Organisation at the
University of Birmingham and Visiting Professor in the Business School at
the University of Glamorgan

Further details of committee members and stream chairs will be announced

For a poster for local display please send a blank email to:
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Please forward this to anyone who would be interested.  Thank you.

Nigel Laurie
Editor and Publisher
Philosophy of Management (formerly Reason in Practice)
74a Station Road East
Surrey  RH8 0PG
Tel/fax  +44 (0)1883 715419

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