The Irish Post-Graduate Film Research Seminar is a collaborative venture between Trinity College, Dublin and the Centre for Media Research at the University of Ulster.


The Seminar is aimed at post-graduates and recent graduates (up to two years) whose research has been in film studies. It is designed to provide a platform for the presentation of new research by film scholars in Irish third-level institutions and those working on Irish film topics in non-Irish universities and colleges. The seminar is intended to encourage the development and exchange of ideas, contribute to the training of students in research methods and the advancement of their academic profiles. The event is supported by the Irish Higher Education Authority as part of the North-South Programme for Collaborative Research


Following the first Seminar at Trinity College in 2003, the second Seminar will take place on the Portrush campus of the University of Ulster on April 29-30. Professor Meaghan Morris will deliver the keynote address. The Seminar will also be preceded by a one-day event on researching regional and national cinemas in association with the AHRB Centre for British Film and Television Studies.


Presentations are invited from (a) Irish post-graduate students working on film research projects; (b) post-graduate students working on Irish film projects in non-Irish universities; and (c) post-doctoral students who have completed their degree on an Irish film topic in the two years prior to the conference date.


Those wishing to make a presentation are invited to submit by 12 December 2003 an abstract of the topic on which they wish to speak plus a short CV and summary of their research. Those invited to present papers at the Seminar will be expected to submit their full paper (twenty minutes duration) by 1 March 2004. Due to HEA funding, it is anticipated that the best papers will be published. Post-graduate film research students who may not be making presentations are also encouraged to attend the event. There is no charge for attendance at the Seminar or the preceding one-day event .


To record your interest in the Seminar and to be included in future mailings, send your contact address, details of your academic institution, and an outline of your research topic, to


Dr Kevin Rockett,             or              Professor John Hill,

Film Studies,                                      School of Media and Performing Arts,

School of Drama,                               University of Ulster,

Trinity College,                                  Coleraine,

Dublin 2,                                               Northern Ireland BT52 1SA


Email: [log in to unmask]                         Email: [log in to unmask]

Tel: (01) 608 1437                               Tel: 028 7032 4196