A couple of people asked for the list so here it is...
Enjoy them,
what are your favourite websites?
www.centresforcuriosity.org.uk is a fantastic site for research and information on kids' museums worldwide, and I found some good websites in their list,too, particularly in the States.

I strongly recommend the 'Reticulum' site [Latin for net]- Hadrian's Wall stuff developed in partnership with KS2 children. It's easy to use, looks good, is fun and multi-layered. The content is also surprisingly detailed, yet accessible. http://museums.ncl.ac.uk/reticulum/

www.soper-lane.co.uk for its functionality - running forums, chat rooms and allowing users to upload their own work, comment on others, and bibliographies etc.

An enduring favourite is the www.bbc.co.uk site - and have met quite a few people who also think it's great - for many of the reasons outlined below.

I like the British Museum one for intro pages and access for general visitors

www.dulux.co.uk  - when I am teaching Internet skills no one has failed to like this site! The interactivity of mousepainter is great!

For fun, but has won lots of awards The Mesoamerican Ballgames website www.ballgame.org , also fun is www.clarksoriginals.com


which site has the best design?

www.4ureaders.net (I am biased as this is a site we commissioned)

Am very impressed with BBC's Blue Planet website with a huge variety of educational content, and learning games that are not just for kids.


who successfully offers information pitched at kids and adults from one site?

You may like to look at www.romaninsussex.co.uk a DCMS funded site that was initiated by the Sussex Archaeological Society at Fishbourne Roman Palace. Also Bamber Gasgoine's History site sorry I cant remember the web address.

www.imj.org.il  It is pitched at kids and adults, has interactive online exhibitions and a dig as well.

the BBC - has something for everyone and easy to navigate


what site is the most inspiring right now?

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