

Chartered institute of Library and Information Professionals
Personnel Training and Education Group
Spice up your Career: making the most of the opportunities at your

Friday 21st February 2003 10.00-1.00pm
Robinson Library, University of Newcastle
£53.00(inc vat) PTEG members £59.00(inc vat) others

This half-day seminar is intended for library assistants who are interested
in career development within an increasingly volatile working environment.
In particular, it will help participants to:
? Identify what employability is and why it is increasingly relevant to
library and information work
? Consider what employers are looking for and how our own skills and
experience match up
? Explore practical approaches to personal and professional development
including making the most of the appraisal process
? Exchange ideas and experience in a supportive environment
? Develop personal plans for future action


10.00   Coffee and registration
10.10   Welcome and introductions
10.20   What employers look for - assessing how well we match up 
Jon Purcell (JP), University of Newcastle
10.50   Employment or employability: the changing world of library and
information work  Anne McIlwaine,(AM) SOAS
11.20   Tea/Coffee
11.30   Maximising our potential: Practical ways to improve our skills and
self-confidence  Sheron Burton, (SB) Royal Society of Medicine 
12.00   Exploring the options. Choice of one of the following: -
1 Library School or not? (SB)
2 Training and professional development opportunities:  what is available
for library assistants (AM)
12.30   Plenary session (SB)
12.45   Action planning session and summary(Practical) (SB/AM)
 1.00   Close

Closing date for enrolments: 14th Feb 2003

To enrol for this seminar please email me at the above address and I'll send
an enrolment form by return email.

Abigail Edwards


Abigail Edwards
Assistant Librarian
Warburg Institute
Woburn Square
020 7862 8942