

(please accept my apologies if you receive this message more than once)

This seminar has been jointly organised by ALPSP and Pira International 

Improving productivity and reducing costs: solutions for the smaller publisher.

Friday 2nd May 2003. The City Conference Centre, 80 Coleman Street, London 
      This one day seminar will focus on reducing production costs by the use of techniques, such as workflow reviews and outsourcing, and technology, such as online editorial systems and XML. It will present a mix of expert presentations, case studies from publishers who will share their experiences, and product reviews from key suppliers in the relevant areas.

      Who should attend: Production managers and other senior managers in small and medium sized companies.  

      There will be a small exhibition of the products being reviewed and related services.


0915   Coffee and Registration

0945 Introduction from the Chair
Deborah Kahn, Pira International

0950 Keynote: Putting the adoption of technology into context: what is happening, why does it matter, how are authors/readers changing, what do you need to think about
Jayne Marks, Nature

1015 Workflow reviews: why they are vital, how they can save you time and large amounts of money without technology solutions 
John Strange, Blackwell Publishing

1045   Coffee and exhibition 

1115   XML: what is the benefit for the smaller publisher
Sheena Bassett, Pira International

1140   Case study: why we implemented XML and what we learnt 
Matthew Smith, Thomas Telford

1210   Product review: Xassist
Robert Hay, Alden Group

1225   Product review: ScholarOne Extenza
Extenza, speaker to be confirmed 

1240   Lunch and exhibition

1345 Outsourcing - why, how, pros and cons
Chris Curtis, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins 

1410   Product review: outsourcing services
Graham Lawley, Charlesworth Group

1425   Product review
speaker to be confirmed

1440   Tea and exhibition

1510   Online Editorial Systems: Reducing Costs and Improving Service
Phil Hurst, The Royal Society

1535   Product review: Editorial Manager
Brian Lewis, Aries

1550   Panel discussion: To build or not to build?

1645   Close and exhibition


For further information or to register online:; 

Email [log in to unmask]; telephone +44 (0)1245 260571.  

Debbie Stoddart
Email: [log in to unmask]
Telephone:+44  (0)1780 757005
Fax: +44 (0) 1780 757005