

Library and Information History Group (LIHG) of CILIP

At its recent AGM (Thursday 3rd July 2003) the Library History Group, a Special Interest Group (SIG) of CILIP, unanimously voted to change its
name with immediate effect, to the Library and Information History Group (LIHG). This followed a lengthy process of consultation which began at
the previous AGM when it was decided to undertake a consultation exercise with members. This showed a large majority in favour of the change
of name, which was confirmed by the open meeting for all Group members, held in early March. The proposal was then put to the AGM
successfully for ratification.
So why go to so much trouble over a single word?
Library history has traditionally been about the study of libraries and their users in a historical context, old books in old buildings to put it crudely,
but in recent years there has been a move to look at the history of information and how it has been organised and disseminated. Studies of the
early years of Aslib are a good example. It is important to recognise this and draw it to the attention of library historians. The Group also wants to
appeal to former IIS members. We must also bear in mind that other types of historian, social, cultural and even architectural may be interested
in library history and may be a source of new members.
Finally we are telling fellow information professionals that, in future, while not neglecting traditional concerns, we will be a little less preoccupied
with the study of the book as a physical object and consequently the only CILIP Group uniquely concerned with library and information history.

Dr. John Crawford,
Chair, Library and Information History Group,
Glasgow Caledonian University Library,
Cowcaddens Rd.,
Glasgow G4 0BA,
Tel 0141 331 3847
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