

UK libraries implementing WebBridge may know that currently it is not
possible to customise the linking button appearing on the Web of
Knowledge full record display screen.  If you are not on the
LIS-JIBS-USERS or similar lists, you may be interested to read the
following update from the Web of Science Enhancement Committee.

If you have an OpenURL resolver, the text of the OpenURL
button currently says 'SFX' although the linking will work
with any resolver.  This problem has been addressed in WoS
6.  It will also support expanded queries: up to five
authors' names; article titles; journal titles, and it adds
the end page number of an article.  However, it does NOT
include impact factors or cited authors.  JIBS will
continue to press for these to be added.  ISI has partnered
with Openly Informatics and are hosting 1Cate.

Mieko Yamaguchi                                [log in to unmask]
Technical Services Manager/System Coordinator        +44 (0)1248 382970
Main Library, University of Wales Bangor, UK   +44 (0)1248 382979 (Fax)