

COUNTER is a widely supported international initiative that serves librarians, publishers and intermediaries by facilitating the recording and exchange of online usage statistics.  

COUNTER is owned by its members and all publishers, intermediaries, libraries, consortia and industry organizations are eligible for full voting membership.

To apply for COUNTER membership please complete the application form on the website here:  Join now and your membership will be implemented immediately and will be valid until the end of 2004.

The benefits of COUNTER membership include:

*  The right to vote at the Annual General Meeting on the direction and management of COUNTER, including the appointment of the Board of Directors
*  Regular bulletins on the progress of COUNTER
*  Advice on implementation of the COUNTER Code of Practice
*  For vendors, inclusion on the Register of COUNTER-compliant Vendors (provided the vendor meets the requirements for compliance.)

The following annual membership rates apply for 2004*: Publisher £500 ($750); Intermediary £500 ($750); Library £250 ($375); Library Consortium £335 ($500); Industry Organization £250 ($375).  *UK Value Added Tax (VAT), at 17.5%, will be added where applicable.

COUNTER is strongly endorsed by the publisher, library and intermediary communities:

'Project COUNTER is a very important international development in establishing quality standards for counting usage of electronic products. ARL will continue to support its evolution and encourage the publishing industry to become COUNTER-compliant.'
- Duane Webster, Association of Research Libraries

'COUNTER is a very important initiative. The development of standards for the creation and exchange of usage data for electronic publications is of great importance to publishers; we and our customers need to be confident that we are comparing 'apples with apples'. This will enable us to learn much more about how our information is actually used, and may even open up new possibilities for pricing models.'
- Sally Morris, Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers

'Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer Health company, and Founding Sponsor of COUNTER, is delighted to have contributed to the release of the COUNTER Code of Practice. It will provide a strong international voice as the definitive standard for the use of electronic scholarly information.'
- Mary Fugle, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

For more information, visit