

We've been adding multiple ISSN's to our records for almost 2 years, because
it is  unclear which ISSN a bibliographic database or reference will use,
even if both are included in a citation. If you have a CSA citation, for
instance, a search back to the OPAC will pull a record no matter which ISSN
is referenced. This is also true of other databases that support ISSN
searches of local OPACS. To insure multiple ISSN's were searchable we had to
change  set-up options for our OPAC and have the issn fields re-indexed.

Chuck Hamaker
UNC Charlotte.

-----Original Message-----
From: Louise Cole
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 6/10/03 5:08 AM
Subject: Multiple ISSNs

Dear all,

An old topic but a relevant one for libraries which are now cataloguing
MARC21 format.

Now that it is acceptable to use multiple ISSNs, have any sites started
doing this (if you catalogue your print and e-journals as separate
this will not apply), and if so, how do you differentiate between which
the print ISSN and which is the e-ISSN?

What about titles such as the BMJ which seems to have at least four
(and where it is not clear which is the main one)?  And titles such as
American Journal of Physiology where, because of the way the print
is set out (numerous parts in one issue, all with different ISSNs),
has to be one record for checking-in?

This has always been an issue when linking in to Library catalogues from
database such as Medline.

And finally, what about using multiple ISSNs with link resolvers /
Have those of you who are using SFX, Webbridge etc. found the lack of
multiple ISSNs in your catalogue to be an issue?


Louise Cole
Electronic Resources Team Leader
Health Sciences Library
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

e-mail [log in to unmask]
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