

I don't think it's just finance departments in industry who have a short
sighted attitude to libraries, it's the whole population.  Libraries need to
be "sexed up".  That's not very pc in light of current events, but libraries
are the very poor relations to education and sport when it comes to funding.
In my personal experience as a public library user libraries are put with
education for funding and then put with sport. The first thing to get cut
when there are budgetary cuts - libraries of course!!  Does no-one realise
libraries are part of life-long learning and also part of leisure and

As for saying you work in a library when asked, the next comment is usually
"the weather's good / bad today".  I've given up and say I work in the
information dissemination field.  As for saying I'm a cataloguer when I'm
among other librarians, that's just as bad!

It's time librarians had a revolution and enlightened the masses to how
important libraries are and that not all librarians are bores dressed in
tweed wearing glasses at the ends of our noses!!

Alison Leslie