

Some of you may have picked up one of the few copies available
at the Christmas Study Day.

This document is an attempt to explain the processes governing
copying from documents, in a simplified form.  It is not an attempt
to lay out the provisions of the Act or EU Directive, a small booklet
will be produced in the New Year to address this issue and also,
hopefully, concerns around electronic delivery.

Please note that the EU Directive affects all forms of "Limited
Copying" as given in the attached.  

Please ensure your declaration forms now include a phrase that 
excludes copying for commercial purposes.  Although most of 
you may have already done this, I have attached a second 
document that gives an example as used in Rochdale.  This 
phrase is vital as it your protection should there be a question 
over the usage of a copy.

I hope you find the poster useful



 <<EXPLAN~1.DOC>>      <<LIHNN ILL two Dec02.doc>>