

*****  STUDY DAY  *****

Service Level Agreements -
Straitjacket or Positive Management Tool?

10.00am-4.30pm on Tuesday 28th January 2003
Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds

Many support services are required to set up agreements to clarify the mutual expectations of customers and library and information providers. Whether or not these agreements are linked to the payment of income or the value of the budget received by the library provider, the agreements will change customer perspectives about library and information services to greater accountability for library and information units.

This study day seeks to clarify issues for consideration together with steps required to develop an agreement that is appropriate to the stage of development of the library unit. It aims to assist in anticipating further expectations of accountability from organisations or customers. It will also enable participants to identify areas in which they could collaborate with others to reduce workload in developing agreements and other areas where further expertise or training and development would be helpful or necessary.

Who should attend?
Library and information services managers and others with responsibilities for, or interest in, the development of Service Level Agreements either with funding organisations or within their own organisation, for example agreements with internal IT providers regarding electronic services provision.

*         Steve Rose, Manager, Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford

*         Larraine Cooper, The Larian Consultancy
*         Shane Godbolt, Head of London Library and Information Development Unit

*         Why Service Level Agreements?
*         Key components of service agreements, their management and monitoring mechanisms
*         Linking Service Level Agreements to business planning processes
*         Aspects of costing service agreements
*         Work Groups: Delegates will be asked to develop principal components and specifics in a SLA for further work and development in the workplace. They will also be asked to identify areas where they will need further help or expertise, areas where they could collaborate with others to reduce workload and any further training they may require to assist them in the development of a professional service level agreement

The cost of the study day (inclusive of lunch and refreshments) is L65 + VAT for IFM Healthcare members, L80 + VAT for non-members, or L85 + VAT for the study day plus membership of IFM Healthcare for 2003. The study day is limited to 40 places, so early booking is recommended. The closing date for booking is 17th January 2003.

For further details please contact Susan Mottram, Health Sciences Library, Worsley Building, University of Leeds LS2 9JT  email: [log in to unmask]  Tel: 0113 3436974 Fax: 0113 343 4381


Service Level Agreements - Straitjacket or Positive Management Tool?

10.00am-4.30pm on Tuesday 28th January 2003
Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds

I would like to attend the above IFM Healthcare Study Day.

Name:              ..............................................................................................................................
Job Title:          ..............................................................................................................................
Organisation:    ..............................................................................................................................
Address:           ..............................................................................................................................

Telephone:...........................     Fax...........................     E-mail:.....................................

Please Invoice OR /I enclose a cheque made payable to IFM Healthcare for: (please delete as appropriate)

    L76.37 (L65.00 + VAT - for IFM Healthcare members)

    L94 (L80.00 + VAT - non-members, study day only)

    L99.87 (L85 + VAT - non members study day plus membership of IFM Healthcare for 2003)

Address for invoice if different from above

Susan Mottram, Health Sciences Library, Worsley Building, University of Leeds LS2 9JT