

      Set texts?  New approaches to the teaching of literature in languages and related/area studies

      June 6th 2003 at CILT, London

      The Subject Centre will be holding a one-day seminar to explore innovatory approaches to the teaching of literature in or translated from languages other than English. Particular emphasis will be placed on the evolving role of literature both as a subject of study in its own right (e.g. in language and area studies programmes) and as a tool of study in other disciplines (e.g. business, politics and the sciences).

      Provisional Programme

      10.30-11.15             A French cultural studies approach to French literature and culture                    
                              Michael Kelly, Univeristy of Southampton

      11.15-12.00             The Cavalry Maiden rides again or how cross-dressing makes heroines of us all...       
                              Margaret Tejerizo, University of Glasgow

      12.00-12.45             Teaching literature in non-specialist language programmes      
                              Geraldine McDermott & Marguerite Shanley, Athlone Institute of Technology

      13.45-14.30             Teaching/Reading Polish Literature through Interdisciplinary Approaches
                              Elwira Grossman, University of Glasgow

      14.30-15.15             Co-ordianting syllabus and pedagogy in a large teaching department     
                              Diana Holmes, University of Leeds

      15.30-16.15             Workshop session: Requiem for French literary studies: a survey of recent trends       
                              Diana Jones for Catherine Rogers and Gabriel Jacobs, University of Wales, Swansea

      Register online at 
      Or contact Sue Nash at the Subject Centre
      Email. [log in to unmask] Tel. 023 8059 4814