A limited number of places are available - please apply by end of this week

Video Conferencing - Museums as Providers


Venue:  Royal Armouries, HM Tower of London
Date:   Monday 20 January 2003
Time:   10.30am-4.00pm
Cost:   £5 Gem member, £15 non-members (includes sandwich lunch) Maximum 2 per institutional member

Video conferencing is a rapidly developing medium offering the potential to work with a variety of groups off-site - whether this be, for example, rural communities, schools beyond travelling distance or even groups abroad.  This day is held in conjunction with Global-leap who, working with the Department of Education and Skills, has supplied a number of museum education departments with video conferencing equipment.  This group will pilot the equipment and help to inform the expansion in the next stage.  Global-leap is presently fundraising to enable more equipment to be supplied on a free loan to museums.

The day will offer the opportunity to sample the technology and see its interactivity. 

The day includes:

Please return the booking form below with a cheque (unfortunately I cannot process invoices but I will be delighted to send you a receipt) made payable to GEM London to Liz Denton, The Royal Armouries, HM Tower of London, London, EC3N 4AB. 

The closing date for registration is 10 January 2003.

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GEM London day  20 January 2003 The Royal Armouries, HM Tower of London

        I am a GEM personal/institutional member and enclose a cheque for £5           
        I am a non-member and enclose a cheque for £15

Name........................................................ Organisation.............................................................

Address .................................................................................................................................


Telephone..................................................  Fax........................................................................

Special Requirements

Please return to: Liz Denton, The Royal Armouries, HM Tower of London, London, EC3N 4AB.
You will be sent a confirmation and travel details.